Let’s Pray on May1st 2009 for the Recession to End

19 03 2009

The world has witnessed many events that have shaken the very foundation of existence – wars, terrorism and natural catastrophes to name a few. At this hour a new loom has begun to engulf all of us – The Global Economic Recession.


Every day we hear depressing news of people losing jobs and people going homeless. A peaceful night sleep seems far away as the fear of future seems to be lurking in our minds 24 X 7.


Governments across the globe are struggling to revive the downtrodden economies of their respective countries. Yes, efforts are being taken everywhere by everybody.


But, for all these efforts to materialize, we feel the only way forward is PRAYER.


Consider this fact: The World Population is 6760000000.


No matter what religion we belong to, the power of Universal Prayer is known to all, though forgotten by many.


Let us revive this weapon given to us to send out a universal appeal to the power above to save us all from this crisis.


Imagine the strength of the prayer of 6760000000 people praying together. The vibes that will get created would be full of hope and love.


What would be a better start to the prayer other than the International Worker’s Day on the 1st of May? On this day, let us dedicate at least an hour’s time to pray and help ourselves and our brethrens. No matter who you are, where you are in this world and which religion you follow, just surrender this problem of economic recession to GOD and pray for betterment to dawn to this world.


  • For all our North, Central and South American friends and friends from surrounding islands: 12 noon to 1.00 PM (CDT)


  • For all our European, Middle East and African friends and friends from surrounding islands: 9.00 AM to 10.00 AM (GMT)


  • For all our Indian Subcontinent and other Asia Pacific friends and friends from surrounding islands: 10.00 AM to 11.00AM (IST)


  • For all our New Zealand and Australian friends and friends from surrounding islands: 10.00 AM to 11.00AM (ACST)


We will NOT expect anything from the power above as we bend down on our knees to submit our woes on HIS feet. We will just pray with our hearts filled with love. That’s where our duty ends. The force above would take care of the rest.


Another important aspect to remember is that prayer is no substitute to hard work put in by people to improve the situation in their own humble ways. It is just a means to reach out to HIM and seek HIS grace.


So let us all pray together and see the change!


PS: To all Telecom Players, Television Channels, Newspapers, Bloggers and all types of Media to spread this message across and additionally help in alerting people before the D Day



5 responses

21 03 2009

Prayer necessary to overcome the crisis. A very good initiative, the ‘Power of Prayer’ can never be measured. Collective Prayer has immense Power and Let the Prayer help the people overcome the present crisis. GANESH MURTHY.

22 03 2009
Satish Chandrasekar

It’s a good thought. The power of prayer can never be under-estimated. – Satish.

23 03 2009

Lets support this good cause initiated…. Pray to make a better world for you and for me and the entire human race!

24 03 2009
Pradeep bhala

Indeed, with no definitive actions to come from any entity party to either the cause or the required corrective action, coz of the special nature of problem’s origin, origniators, vectors, mode of dipersion, and infection, Collective prayer could indeed help to thaw the pseudo-individualism indirectly fostered by the very system that has lead us to where we are…. my best wishes

24 03 2009
Praveen Kumar Arivazhagan

Life is a cycle.. there will be no up with out a low.. the system of life is built the way it is for more than obvious reasons…
1. Keep alive the mantra of hope
2. To give us the friction necessary to take a leap to the next level
3. To keep the exponentially growing greed from going beyond the threshold
4. To not forget the almighty

No matter what… whether we are in the low or in the high.. we are still equidistant from the center which holds us by its centrifugal force.. which is nothing but the supreme power governing us….

so lets join hands for the good of the world and the generations to follow…


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